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What is Microsoft Office 365 business?

There are a number of people who might not hear about the Office 365 business software and many people even don’t know what it is actually and for what it is used for. It’s a cloud based application known with a name Office 365 and one can subscribe it with a specific amount either monthly or annually.

Microsoft office 365 support

Office 365 support explains you more about this software and you would come to know more on its accessible features. Some features are as under:

Many users can edit a document at the same time: Once you install this application it gets easier to edit a document at the same time no matters it’s a word document, PowerPoint or an excel file. And changes can be viewed at the same time along with editing process.

Skype with team members while accessing a particular document: If you make use of this application, you are able to use a “Chat” button to start chatting with the people who are working on a document over Skype. In case, anyone left the conversation all connected users can still continue with the conversation.

Link files and don’t attach them: In Office 365 business edition, there is a trick in-built for sharing a file and you just need to upload these files to the server. You can send a file to its server rather than attaching it. In simple words, you can say just to upload a file to the server and any person can easily access a file. It will automatically grant permission to a user that are added in the team.

Inbox de-clutter itself: Microsoft is soon going to tying to Google to a machine learning technology that can keep spam mails away on cloud. It is going to work successively and this version call clutter that is powerful in taking all rules to setup an inbox for you. Your less important mails will automatically be moved to clutter.

These are some amazing feature can be accessed in Office 365 and for more information; you can call Office 365 technical support number Ireland +353-768887727.


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